Fiber Market Day Booth - Indoor

from $62.00

Each booth space includes 1 chair. Tables are not included.

Additional tables and chairs can be purchased. Please add to your cart before checkout.

We desire a good experience for everyone, therefore please note that by purchasing a booth, you agree to the following:

  • I agree to donate an item for raffle baskets that will be drawn throughout Fiber Market Day (please tag with your farm/business info).

  • On arrival, I understand that I must unload my products to a designated door and immediately move my vehicle out of the loading area, including the parking spaces behind the High Desert Activity Center, and park in Parking Lot A or the grass lot out the south end.

  • I agree not to block Market aisles while unloading, setting up, taking down, and loading.

  • I understand that I must set up my booth so that my display and product is located entirely within my allotted space, and that I will provide space within my booth for customers to view my products and pay for purchases.

  • I agree to not begin breaking down/packing up until Market close at 4:00 PM.

  • At the end of the Market, I understand that I need to load my products out to a loading area before bringing my vehicle into the loading area, and then immediately move my vehicle out of the loading area to make room for others.

  • I understand that HDWG Fiber Market Day is run by volunteers, and I will follow their instructions and treat them with respect.

  • I understand that any issues with neighbors should be solved amicably and directly before involving FMD volunteers.

  • I understand that if I fail to follow this agreement, I will not be invited to return as a vendor.

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